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Found 17321 results for any of the keywords 2004 2023. Time 0.007 seconds.
Bug #711465 “mod_rewrite directives in Location section confus...” :Binary package hint: apache2.2-bin Reporting this against version 2.2.16-1ubuntu3.1 in Maverick. I have apache2 configured in the following way: 1. mod_rewrite is enabled; 2. AllowOverride All is set (on /var/www)
International Association of Penturners | The International AssociatioInternational Association of Penturners
Bug #660105 “when deflate is enabled, please also compress CSS a...” :Binary package hint: apache2 I was surprised to find that the deflate module automatically compresses HTML, XML and text when enabled. But since it does, why not go one step further and auto-compress all CSS and Javasc
Bug #603192 “install of libapache2-mod-php5 may not result in en...” :Binary package hint: apache2 On a fresh ec2 instance of maverick i386, I tried: $ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 That went fine, ending with: | Setting up apache2-mpm-prefork (2.2.15-5ubuntu1) ... | * Startin
Bug #568468 “lucid server: mod_mem_cache with mod_dav_svn crashe...” :Binary package hint: apache2 On a lucid server we see apache segmentation faulting at a high rate. This causes svn checkouts to fail depending on the client (e.g. on Ubunut 9.10 subversion with neon as dav lib is okay,
Bug #1832182 “systemd unable to detect running apache if invoked...” :[Impact] Unattended upgrade will attempt to gracefully reload the Apache2 httpd service, but it reloads apache directly, not via systemd, so systemctl will mis-report the true status. This can cause unexpected and unne
Bug #1667892 “apache2 crashed with SIGSEGV in ap_run_mpm_query()...” :Freshly installed on a VM. All updates applied. Installed apache mysql and php. Got this error after installing. Description: Ubuntu Zesty Zapus (development branch) Release: 17.04 Apache version apache2: Instal
Bug #1665151 “Apache ignores disable TLSv1.0” : Bugs : apache2 packageNone of these settings correctly disable TLSv1.0 as stated in Apache docs. _______ # SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1 # SSLProtocol -All TLSv1.2 # SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1 # SSLProtoco
Bug #1274090 “apache2-bin declares httpd, but does not provide w...” :apache2-bin declares that it provides httpd and httpd-cgi, but the package description itself says that to actually get a running web-server, you need to instead install apache2, or perform manual action on your own. I
Bug #1026797 “Default /usr/share/doc serving should be removed (...” :CVE-2012-0216 reports an issue with the default Apache config serving a copy of /usr/share/doc: Niels Heinen noticed a security issue with the default Apache configuration on Debian if certain scripting modules like mo
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